5 Reasons to Sign up for Yoga Teacher Training


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In 2017, I signed up for yoga teacher training with CorePower Yoga. A regular at their studios for five year (and on the mat for much longer) YTT felt like the next step in my yoga journey. I was so excited to work on my practice, teach, and meet new fit friends.I can honestly say I had no idea how much the experience would change my perspective on yoga, and myself. From day one I was overwhelmed by all of the information, support, and detail. I left training with a RYT 200 Certificate, a deeper confidence in leading others through asanas, and more. I wanted to write about my experience to encourage you to take the leap if training is something you’ve been pondering. So, what are you waiting for?

Deepen Your Yoga Practice

When I first started yoga teacher training, I wasn’t sure if I would wind up teaching—I just knew I wanted to explore my practice and learn. After eight years on the mat, I still had a ton of questions. Why is Savasana important? Should I be feeling a stretch here? What’s up with ujjayi breathing and am I doing it right? Will I ever be able to stand on my hands?!During an intensive eight weeks, I become stronger physically and mentally. No, I didn’t walk out with a “six-pack,” but I learned proper alignment and techniques to aid my body through an understanding of anatomy. As the weeks continued I noticed that the physical limitations I once placed on myself began to disappear. I became more comfortable with poses I used to avoid and I soon loved learning about modifications, props, and the benefits of each pose in detail. Training totally satisfied my inner nerd, and watching others go through the same experience was awe inspiring!

Find Your Voice

Baron Baptiste said it best in Journey Into Power, “I have to a point in my life where nothing is more important to me than my own growth.” Through a regular yoga practice we test our physical limitations in poses, and also train our minds to continue past our edge (that point in which you feel you can go no further). Yoga teacher training provides a tremendous amount of objective information—anatomy, the history of yoga, and sequencing—but the majority of teacher training is about finding your voice and growing as a person, teacher, and yogi.

Gain Confidence In Your Teaching...And In Yourself

I had no idea how challenging teaching could be until I tried it. Responsible for inspiring, guiding, and assisting a room full of students I suddenly felt overwhelmed. But I realized that’s ok. As the eight weeks continued, I learned physical postures and how to be brave, bold, and confident as an instructor.While I worked (I’m still working) to find my voice I began to explore my strengths, weaknesses, and goals. I began to access a personal power through my newfound confidence. And this power is what will help me guide others, and grow as an instructor and person.

Build a Yoga Family

Yoga teacher training connected me to some amazing yoga teachers in our community. While taking dozens of classes during my eight-week training, I had the opportunity to meet new instructors, and connect with new people. I observed others and brought their tips and tricks into my teaching. While developing my own spiritual and physical practice, I was also supporting others on their journey too. My fellow yogis in training and our amazing coaches became my yoga family. I will continue to learn from them both on and off the mat.

Learn Transferrable Skills

Being a yoga instructor goes way beyond knowing asana (physical postures). It involves public speaking, awareness, client relationships, marketing, and business management skills, among others things. In my program, we learned about yoga for special populations, history and philosophy, anatomy, the business side of yoga, and the Chakras. I walked away with more confidence in my practice and a “tool kit” of skills to bring into other areas of my life. So, are you ready to take the leap? I would love to hear about your yoga journey in the comments section below. Namaste.


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