Erica Friedman Wellness

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5 Self Care Tips for Postpartum Moms

Are you taking enough time for self care? I've struggled with finding time for ME since becoming a mom. Finding / making the time, childcare, and serious mom guilt often stop me from taking the plunge. Even when I am enjoying the hour or so to myself, I still find a few lingering thoughts about what I "should" be doing for the kids or around the house.

Self Care is Important

Self Care and taking time for YOU is so important. I've found that this time allows me to better show up for my family, friends, work/clients, and ultimately - myself.In talking to other moms I've found they really do want to prioritize their health and wellbeing, but can often feel overwhelmed by where and how to start. I've included 5 strategies for self care you (and me!) can start working on today. Putting some of these into practice will allow you to carve out time in your day, even when it's really really hard.

5 Self Care Strategies

  1. Start small: Even if it's just 5 minutes/day. Focus on activities that are truly doable for you. That can look like 5 minutes of calming breath work before bed, a 10 minute walk around the block for some sunshine, or taking a little extra time cooking breakfast. It may not feel like a ton of time, but even small bits of time showing up for yourself add up.

  2. Delete, delegate, and Do less. I loved this tip from Precision Nutrition. I've learned that with two kids I'm not always able to do EVERYTHING and at 100%. I just don't have the time or brainpower.

  3. Should vs Could: It's easy to focus on what "should" be done versus what we really want and need to do. "I should exercise today. I should eat [insert food]." But really should you? What do we really want and need to spend our energy on?

  4. Don't be afraid to say "no." Going hand in hand with number 2. It's OK to say "no" to things in an  effort to better utilize your time and energy.

  5.  Try something new. Not something you "should" do, but something you really want to do. I really enjoy attending fitness classes. It's the energy, the community, and quite honestly - it's fun and I learn some things. I'm always up for trying a new class and format.

What are some of your favorite self care tips?



P.S. My BUILD Postpartum program has a weekly self care theme and journal prompts too. You can sign up HERE in a few short weeks!