Erica Friedman Wellness

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Living Your Best Life

I love me. I love the freckles, the quirks, and even the lines that have deepened with age. But, self-love is not as intuitive as it sounds. I, like many women, have struggled to love me through the years. But, what I have come to learn, as I approach thirty (ah!) is that loving me is the best relationship there is. Everyday I focus on living a good life, to be mindful, positive, and empowered.

Find the GOOD in today, everyday.

Some days (like today) I have an extra spring in my step. Maybe it’s the sunshine, the invigorating yoga class, or the smile my dog gave me as I rubbed her belly. I feel happy, I feel positive, and I feel ready to tackle what’s put in front of me. Everyday should be like today.

Each morning we start fresh. A new day is an opportunity to try something new, or even just say hi to that gal at the coffee shop you see on your way to work (you know, the one with the cute shoes). I have noticed that approaching each day with a positive mindset inevitably makes me feel better, and make smart choices. I encourage you to live in the present, and find the good in today.

Nourish your body

There are thousands of articles on nutrition, and what your body needs to function. But, what it comes down to is: does this food make you feel good? The answer to that question is different for everyone. As a child, food was where I found comfort. But, as an adult, food is where I experiment and have fun—there are so many healthy recipes and restaurants to try. Eat food that fuels you, and powers you for a day on the go.

Surround Yourself with Positive People

I go to yoga every Sunday, and at the end of each class the instructor encourages us to get off our mat to meet five new yogis (sweaty hugs all around). Positive people feed off each other, and when we surround ourselves with bright, encouraging, ambitious women (and men) we are motivated to be our best selves.

Be Empowered

Now is the time to take charge of your life: past, present, and future. I’ve discovered that living mindfully and exercising my body and mind is empowering. I love that feeling I get when crossing the finish line, or walking out of a tough bootcamp class. I feel like I can conquer the world—or at least, breakfast. Everyday I am empowered to spend time on myself, my body, and being a stronger woman.

Live mindfully, nourish your body with healthy foods, exercise daily, and surround yourself with people that support you. Doing so will not only help you live a good life, it will help you live your best life. And that is the best form of love there is.This post originally appeared on The Good Blog.